Municipal Waste Project – Sihanoukville, Cambodia
GEI Mekong is moving through the development phase for a 6-line all-diesel facility to be built in 2 phases and located close to the new Prey Nop Landfill, which is 20 kilometres from Sihanoukville City. GEI Mekong has completed a detailed feasibility study and submitted a comprehensive business and investment plan to the Royal Government of Cambodia with the aim of acquiring a +25 year waste supply agreement, a fuel production licence and an investment licence.
Investment Value
USD $97 million
Phase 1
Daily production estimates for the first 3-line all-diesel Pyrolysis facility is estimated at 33.600 litres of synfuel, 8,400 litres of oils and lubricants, 7.5 tonnes of Biochar and 264 metric tonnes of carbon abatement credits. The first phase of the project will divert 240 tonnes of MSW from Prey Nop landfill, which represents 50% of the MSW that will be received at the landfill in 2024. This will decrease the governments contribution to Preah Sihanouk Administrations fixed and variable landfill operating costs by 45% and extend the existing life of Prey Nop landfill by 1.5 years. Phase 1 will employ 80 staff.
Phase 2
A second phase planned for construction will increase the facility from 3 to 6 Pyrolysis lines. Daily production outputs are estimated at 67,200 litres of synfuel, 16,800 litres of oils and lubricants, 15 tonnes of Biochar and 528 metric tonnes of carbon abatement credits. The increased capacity will divert 480 tonnes of MSW from Prey Nop landfill which represents 90% of the MSW that will be received at the landfill by 2027. This will decrease the governments contribution to EML’s landfill fixed and variable operating costs by 90% and reduce landfill development costs for stage 2 of the landfill which will need to come on line in 2027. The expanded facility will employ 111 staff.